Ideade Creativos Apps

Ruta del Vino de Alicante 1.0.3
Organiza tu propia RUTA DEL VINO DE ALICANTE y descubre lugaresinimaginables. Sumérgete en un fascinante viaje a través de lazonas productoras con tradición vitivinícolas como la del Vinalopócon los municipios de Algueña, Monóvar, Novelda, Petrer, Pinoso,Salinas, Villena y Elche, al sur y la Marina Alta y Baja con losmunicipios de Alcalalí, Benissa, Senija, Llíber, Benigembla,Parcent, Castell de Castells, Murla y Xaló y Alfàs del Pi, alnorte, ambas diferenciadas pero unidas por un mismo símbolo, lavid. ¿Qué puedes hacer a través de esta aplicación? - Encontrarinteresantes propuestas de ocio entorno al vino como visitasguiadas a bodegas o actividades en viñedos, catas de vinos,maridajes, eventos en vendimia, visita a museos temáticos,… etc. -La Costa Blanca es ‘dieta mediterránea’. Fusión gastronomía y vino.Motivo más que suficiente para visitar el interior alicantino yorganizar tu escapada. - Conocer la agenda de cada una de laspoblaciones para disfrutar de sus gentes, monumentos, costumbres,tradiciones, artesanía y productos agroalimentarios autóctonos dereconocido prestigio. - Informarte sobre los eventos y laspromociones de la ruta. - Conocer las bodegas que producen eltesoro de los vinos alicantinos, el FONDILLÓN, un vino único en elmundo. - Contacto y redes sociales
El Campello Official Guide 1.2.9
Tourism presents the APP Campello El Campello Official Guide ElCampello is a privileged place. Located in the heart of the CostaBlanca, just steps from the main cities, only 10 kilometers fromAlicante and 30 from Benidorm, is a traditional fishing villagewhich has known transformed without losing its roots in a touristtown first order. This APP will have full details of all our charmswith chips, photographs, audio tours, GPS routes, geolocation ofall attractions and shopping guide with discount coupons to enjoyproducts and services of the city. Its 23 kilometers of coastline,the largest of the province of Alicante, is an oasis for thesenses. In this long shore, find, golden beaches as Muchavista andCarrer La Mar that lead to the peaceful coves that appear afterIlleta: from that of Morro Blanc to the Carritxal. Beaches andcoves, all of them suitable for water sports, which have receivedthe prestigious Blue Flag, and the ISO 14001 certification for thequality of its water, and infrastructure services and much more youcan discover with this comprehensive app . Within walking distance,you have the mountain to discover places like Lloma of Reixes, LesPuntes of Gosálvez or Sierra del Xixi. Among its charms alsoinclude its broad cultural wealth having one of the most importantarchaeological sites in the Mediterranean: the Illeta Banyets dels,which brings together the remains of the most importantcivilizations of the Mediterranean. The two Watchtowers, declaredof Cultural Interest, recall ancient battles, each year, we relivethe Moors and Cristinos. Many other places have our history,including the estate Villa Marco, formed by a dashed modernistmansion surrounded by an amazing group of gardens, is formed as oneof the treasures of the city. With a population of over 28,000inhabitants and 80,000 residents in summer, yet has the tranquilityand charm of traditional fishing villages. Perhaps this cleardemographic progression is due to the presence of another neighbor:The Sun With an exceptional climate, El Campello enjoys over 250sunny days a year and an average annual temperature of 19 º C.Download our APP, get comfortable and practical guide that willhelp you discover!